you have an old version of btrieve and you want to read data from it?? well, you'r luck if you read this message in the beginning of your search... i lost 3 days of intensive searching.. and finaly found it. and here i share it with you...
well, open vb program and bla bla bla ...
now you should define some consts for easy work:
i suggest you to create a separate modul for this code (that what i did)
DefInt A-Z
Global Const BOPEN = 0
Global Const BCLOSE = 1
Global Const BINSERT = 2
Global Const BUPDATE = 3
Global Const BDELETE = 4
Global Const BGETEQUAL = 5
Global Const BGETNEXT = 6
Global Const BGETFIRST = 12
Global Const BCREATE = 14
Global Const BSTAT = 15
Global Const BSTOP = 25
Global Const BVERSION = 26
Global Const BRESET = 28
Global Const KEY_BUF_LEN = 255
Rem Key FlagsGlobal Const DUP = 1
Global Const MODIFIABLE = 2
Global Const BIN = 4
Global Const NUL = 8
Global Const SEGMENT = 16
Global Const SEQ = 32
Global Const DEC = 64
Global Const SUP = 128
Rem Key Types
Global Const EXTTYPE = 256
Global Const MANUAL = 512
Global Const BSTRING = 0
Global Const BINTEGER = 1
Global Const BFLOAT = 2
Global Const BDATE = 3
Global Const BTIME = 4
Global Const BDECIMAL = 5
Global Const BNUMERIC = 8
Global Const BZSTRING = 11
Global Const BAUTOINC = 15
' now declare the function BTRCALL with do all the I\O with the database
Private Declare Function BTRCALL Lib "wbtrv32.dll" (ByVal OP, ByVal Pb$, Db As Any, DL As Long, Kb As Any, ByVal Kl, ByVal Kn) As Integer
' define some data types for working with the database files
Type typ_byte4 f1(1 To 4) As ByteEnd TypeRem ***************************************************************************
Rem Btrieve Structures
Type KeySpec
KeyPos As Integer
KeyLen As Integer
KeyFlags As Integer
KeyTot As typ_byte4
KeyType As String * 1
Reserved As String * 5
End Type
Type FileSpec
RecLen As Integer
PageSize As Integer
IndxCnt As Integer
NotUsed As String * 4
FileFlags As Integer
Reserved As String * 2
Allocation As Integer
KeyBuf(0 To 1) As KeySpec
End Type
Type StatFileSpecs
RecLen As Integer
PageSize As Integer
IndexTot As Integer
RecTot As typ_byte4
FileFlags As Integer
Reserved As String * 2
UnusedPages As Integer
KeyBuf(0 To 1) As KeySpec
End Type
Type RecordBuffer
' here you should define the structure of the file that you are reading.. in this example i have 3 'fields, one is an id (int) description and another float type
'change this to your data structure
profID As Integer
profDesc As String * 28
profPrice As Double
End Type
Type VersionBuf
Major As Integer
Minor As Integer
Engine As String * 1
End Type
Type typ_PosBlk
f1(1 To 128) As Byte
End Type
' defining variables with the types we created
Global FileBuf As FileSpec
Global DataBuf As RecordBuffer
Global StatFileBuffer As StatFileSpecs
Global BufLen As Long
Global DBLen As Integer
Rem*******Added to Open multiple files
Public iMaxRuns As Integer
Public bFilesCreated As Boolean
Sub PrintLB(Item As String)
' function for printing data on screen
Dim fTxtFileName As String
BtrFrm32.List1.AddItem Item
Rem Added to write info to file
fTxtFileName = App.Path & "\" & App.EXEName & ".log"
Open fTxtFileName For Append As #1
Print #1, Item Close #1
Rem *************
End Sub
sub readDate()
PrintLB ("Btrieve Sample Test Started")
PrintLB ("")
Rem Local variables needed for conversion from byte to long.
Dim loc_RecTot As Long
Dim h_field1 As String
Dim h_field2 As String
Dim h_field3 As String
Dim h_field4 As String
Dim h_total As String
'Rem **************************
FileName$ = "XFACE.BTR"
PosBlk$ = Space$(128)KeyBuffer$ = Space$(KEY_BUF_LEN)
RemRem ***************** Btrieve Create *********************Rem
Rem ************* SET UP FILE SPECS
FileBuf.RecLen = 34
FileBuf.PageSize = 1024
FileBuf.IndxCnt = 2
FileBuf.FileFlags = 0
''Rem ************* SET UP KEY SPECS
FileBuf.KeyBuf(0).KeyPos = 1
FileBuf.KeyBuf(0).KeyLen = 8
FileBuf.KeyBuf(0).KeyFlags = EXTTYPE + MODIFIABLE
FileBuf.KeyBuf(0).KeyType = Chr$(BFLOAT)
FileBuf.KeyBuf(1).KeyPos = 9
FileBuf.KeyBuf(1).KeyLen = 26
FileBuf.KeyBuf(1).KeyFlags = EXTTYPE + MODIFIABLE + DUP
FileBuf.KeyBuf(1).KeyType = Chr$(BSTRING)
'Open File
KeyBuffer$ = txtFileName.txt
BufLen = Len(DataBuf)KeyNum = 0
Status = BTRCALL(BOPEN, PosBlk$, DataBuf, BufLen, ByVal KeyBuffer$, KeyBufLen, KeyNum)
If Status <> 0 Then
Msg$ = "Error Opening file! " + Str$(Status)
PrintLB (Msg$)
GoTo Fini
Msg$ = "File Opened Successfully!" PrintLB (Msg$)
End If
BufLen = Len(DataBuf)
KeyBuffer$ = Space$(255)
'Status = BTRCALL(BGETFIRST, PosBlk$, DataBuf, BufLen, ByVal KeyBuffer$, KeyBufLen, 0)
If Status <> 0 Then
Msg$ = "Error on BGETFIRST. " + Str$(Status)
PrintLB (Msg$)
Msg$ = "BGETFIRST okay for : " + DataBuf.profDesc PrintLB (Msg$)
End If
'Get Next Record
BufLen = Len(DataBuf)KeyBuffer$ = Space$(KEY_BUF_LEN)
Status = BTRCALL(BGETNEXT, PosBlk$, DataBuf, BufLen, ByVal KeyBuffer$, KeyBufLen, 0)
If Status <> 0 Then
Msg$ = "Error on BGETNEXT. " + Str$(Status)
PrintLB (Msg$)
Msg$ = "BGETFIRST okay for : " + DataBuf.profDesc
PrintLB (Msg$)
End If
end sub
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
connecting btrieve database with vb6
Posted by
1:52 PM
Labels: btrieve, database, db connection, pervasive, source codes, sql
Thursday, November 23, 2006
Using Notify Icon Object
notifyIcon1.Icon = new System.Drawing.Icon(@"c:\1.ico");
notifyIcon1.Visible = true;
notifyIcon1.Text = "Test Notify Icon Demo";
notifyIcon1.BalloonTipTitle = "ByRamiX Product";
notifyIcon1.BalloonTipText = "This Product was programmed ByRamiX";
Posted by
10:29 AM
Labels: .net, c#, source codes, windows programming
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