Sunday, March 30, 2008

NearConn published the beta version

Lately, the NearConn team announced that they opened their system for a beta users.
NearConn is a unique cellular social network, it's a social network that enable the user to contact people around in any given time and place.
The main idea of the NearConn creators is to make the bluetooth name that on the cellular phone, a link to details that it's owner want to show the other,
think about it, you can share your profile or you can share your buisness details, advertise a service you offer.
it can be a new way to advertise things in a simple and cheap way...
I beileve that the idea of NearConn is exelent, usefull for milions of users and will be the next thing.
here you can watch a video of how it works :

you can sign up to nearconn here:

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